Thanks for the article Peter. The environmental crisis, that there's a sixth mass extinction underway together with a probable PETM-like event (when 55 MY ago temperatures rose over 6 degrees globally due to a mass natural induced injection of methane which then led to CO2 - it took hundreds of thousands of years for the climate to stabilize to a lower temperature) and nuclear weapons seem to be critical "attention-getters" for something super-advanced sharing Earth. And if correct as a real fact, the kids at the Ariel school in 1994 got warning messages re state of the planet. It would be important to know how global this particular message is to experiencers. Hasn't done much good though. The planet will survive of course, she's been here before and there's around a billion years before the Sun goes to a Red Giant. New intelligent species will surely arise.

Clearly they also don't like nukes re their monitoring of facilities but also didn't block the global testing regimes of the superpowers decades ago.

So how much they (multiple types and forms?) can actually influence us, who knows? Surely some group does, re all the secret studies since the late 40's onwards. And the mass of humanity now has a huge inertia to shift or bend to some "alien agenda". Desperate times require desperate measures?

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Thank you Peter for saying what needed to be said. When you see the things I have seen and realize they are masters of the laws of physics, etc., you know at least the future is already here. IMHO. How we get there is a matter of our humanity...

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What if they are eating us? Many people go missing every year, never to be found again. What if they were simply eaten? Or their skin used for alien shoes? Or our plasma used in their shakes?

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We have a lot of data. The painful gap is that there is no concerted effort to derive it into the analytical products that we can consider and then refine. It is profoundly obvious that the Phenomenon is Phenomena and that multiple agendas exist. We are so stupid we keep arguing about whether β€˜it’ exists. That way the operators of the agendas get to cruise along their merry way. I just want to shake the idiot skeptics and let them know that they are actually the problem. If they would just allow themselves to learn we could actually force the change. Instead we bicker. When the channeled beings all say raise your consciousness and you have a chance do you know what they are saying? They are saying RAISE YOUR AWARENESS. Which is to say quit being willfully blind. Jeezus. It is so damn frustrating. Rant off.

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If we are like ants to them, why don't they stop us from wrecking the planet? Either they don't care about environmental damage/it doesn't matter or they have no way of stopping us. Or somehow they benefit. I can see how they might turn our nukes off and on like playing with a light switch (hey look what the ants built). I also think psychedelics play a role in all of this.

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Well Peter, it's hard to support some of what Tom has been saying on some things. He claimed that these orbs are "probes" in stealth mode and I knew that was complete BS as soon as I heard it.

You have Avi Loeb claiming a mothership is here, it's laughable. I thoroughly believe this is some sort of ET religion that the government, hollywood has had a hand in creating. I don't know what the reasoning for this is besides that it coincides with Reagan (big fan of Secrect Teachings of All Ages) and his STAR WARS speech and the need to put weapons in space. From a historical perspective the tracks are all there.

I mention this bc some people don't have the "ufo" perspective in their background. But a lot of certain things coincide with spiritual/cultural backgrounds. At least that's my own experience anyway.

There's some people as you may well be aware of that can "see" spirits. I don't really see these things as aliens...but if they're trying to get people to "believe" this is real through some of these hearings and such then I won't hold my breathe. It just doesn't add up. With this threat budget, like what is the military going to do? Shoot conciousness? Who is this serving? Maybe the same structures that Tom may have been influenced by and that you are all too aware of in your books.

(I'm a big fan of your Lovecraft Code Series, it's like the TTSA books on steroids. )

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There's no mention of DMT in this article, and that seems like a big oversight in a discussion about the so-called 'Phenomenon'. There's also a lot of references to the 'Alien' which might be inaccurate altogether. Perhaps these things have been here long before man emerged, and WE are the aliens?

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