What a masterful exposition of how we got to the point where Democrats = satanic agents and arbiters of all evil. It's amazing to ponder all these influences and connections that have unfolded over the course of my lifetime.

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The Sinister Forces trilogy is an important work that any person with an interest in parapolitics should read. Unfortunately, one need not be a right-winger to be dismayed my Levenda's adherence to Dems/Left good and Repubs/right bad simplistic notion. Levenda's also quick to play the anti-semite/anti-Jewish card. Criticizing George Soros or Larry Fink makes one a Nazi?

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Brilliant stuff Peter. All i can say is, you should write another ballad for Billy Joel, entitled 'We did start the fire - with cults'. All the best and keep up the great work. Best from Oz.

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Thank you Peter - this was fascinating.

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