"In fact, you could be working on one aspect of one of these programs and never even know it.  Never suspect it.  Because the data you are working on has been so isolated from the main program that there is no way to tie it to anything remotely identifiable.” -Peter Levenda

Its not only that the data being worked on has been so isolated or disconnected from anything identifiable, nobody could decipher. What isn’t being addresses at all is the fact that the Program Directors flat out lie. They are liars. They spin tall tales to create the idea of isolation when the connections should be obvious. This is the problem. The damn lies. Thomas Ronald Baron was warning that Moral relativism & situational ethics isn't how complex airplanes & rockets get built. Even though management would like to convince themselves that it does.

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Peter, exciting to see you on substack. I am host of OMEGAMAN Radio. World record holder for most LIVE podcasts. 10,400 produced since we launched in 2010. I would like to invite you to speak on our broadcast regarding your research into the Escape of the Nazis, Hitler in Indonesia and Colonia Dignidad! I am an american living in Bali Indonesia. Email me: omegamanradio@protonmail.com

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There's a pattern of American intelligence agencies using UFO/UAP phenomenon for psyops whenever the American public needs to be deceived. These gravity defying aircraft have roots to NYMZA and the postwar Breakaway Civilization: human origin. If there is a non-human intelligence interacting with our reality, it doesn't use physical conveyance. It's interdimensional, spectral. It walks through walks and is profoundly alien.

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The whole argument against disclosure is bunk. “I would only add that while we all want disclosure I can't think of a way to do it without spilling all the beans all over the floor. If the USG says we are being visited, then they also have to say how they know this, when they knew this, etc. Thousands of questions…”. There are thousands of questions now. People knew about nukes after WWII but the technology behind it is still locked up and monitored. People can be told about nonhuman intelligences or even something like a genetically altered human species living under the oceans. It’s time to open up the reality of what ever it is because secrecy usually means there are sinister forces.

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Very nicely worded. We definately face many challenges concerning the world of ufo's. We see the tip of the iceberg but their is so much more below the waterline. I think the majority of information available through diligent news outlets and social media, is steering us in the right direction. It is time for us to step up to the plate and raise our standards no matter what hand we are dealt. I think we are now at that point in Ronald Reagon's UN speech where this can help unify mankind. Hopefully.

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Jim Semivan: “What if we also know that aliens are not our friends, that they can control us whenever they want to do so, that we are indeed property and that we have absolutely no defenses against this?”

- This is Semivan’s own abyss staring back at him and, by extension, shows how American Exceptionalism functions - by demonising everything that it cannot control.

Disclosure is but one spasm of post-war U.S. hegemony experiencing narcissistic collapse. It is not a coincidence that its timeline appears to run in parallel with the vomiting out of its 45th President through the criminal justice system.

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If you’ve got something, let’s see it already!

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The timing is pretty noteworthy. You have one of the biggest conspiracies-ufos, being given a big boost, and yet trust in institutions continues to erode. Is this going to open the door to maybe other instances where "Hey folks, let's talk about history." ?? I hope.

There's a 90's ufo book by a supposed nurse who interviewed an ET from Roswell and the whole thing reads like "guys stay away from the mysteries and stuff about Egypt." Stargate also came out in the 90s and almost has the same message.

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